Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Planning Consultative Meeting for No 10 Valetta Crescent

A Planning Consultative Meeting was held for No 10 Valetta Crescent tonight, where 8 double storey townhouses are planned with the destruction of many 80 to 100 year old Eucalyptus cepholacarpa (mealy stringybark) trees. These trees are the original canopy trees of the Knoxfield area and also the trees which the Knox Council is currently studying their unique character hopefully for a report recommending their protection.

The residents of the area are to be congratulated for their presentations to the meeting. Thanks go to Irene Fullarton for her organization, to David Chaney for his leading of the debate and to Pauline, Chris, Peter, Tina and others who spoke from their hearts on the matter.

Among the objections presented to the meeting included:

does not meet with the ResCodes, destruction of the vegetation, no parking areas in Valetta Cres for visitor or excess parking, safety for children walking to school, no turning points for cars, lack of plans for rubbish removal, overdevelopment of the site, increase in traffic for both Valetta Cres and Kathryn Roads, lack of access for the disabled and the removal of the wildlife habitat.

If the trees are removed where will the yellow-tailed black cockatoos, superb parrots, barn owls, tawny frogmouths, Owlet-nightjars, bell-birds, kookaburras, black-faced cuckoo shrikes, red and little wattle birds, rainbow lorikeets, galahs, yellow-crested cockatoos and crimson rosellas feed? What about the habitat for the ring-tailed possums, bushy-tailed possums, sugar-gliders and bats live. Most people came to live in Knoxfield to be close to the wildlife and to live in a leafy green area, with open space.

I’m certain our opposition to double-storey townhouses was clearly heard tonight, with a resounding chorus of only single storey houses acceptable.

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