Thursday, February 19, 2009

Planning Consultation Meeting - 50 David Street

 Congratulations to the residents of 50 David Street that presented a passionate argument against the over-development of 50 David Street with three double storey townhouses.

Immediate neighbors were incensed that their privacy ought to be invaded by this terrible development. Other issues included:

increased traffic congestion on an already heavily congested minor road,

removal of vegetation,

safety of children,

car parking and rubbish bins,

character of Knoxfield consists of single storey houses with gardens,

visual impact and the affect on wildlife,

increased noise,

salinity caused by impervious surfaces,

density of the development over 60% of site, and the

failure to adhere to Rescodes.

Most people that attended had the opportunity to speak at a well conducted meeting. Thanks must go to the Planning Department on the organization for the meeting tonight.





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