Thursday, October 9, 2008

Further Meetings with local Politicians

 On Tuesday, Irene Kelly, Iren Fullerton, David Chaney and Ian Simpson ventured to Parliament to meet with Kim Wells, MP for Scoresby and Matthew Guy, Opposition Spokesperson on Planning. Both agreed that Knoxfield is under attack like much of Melbourne from developers, as a result of Melbourne’s 2030 Planning Policy.

Action decided upon at the meeting included

·    Questions being asked in Parliament of the Minister for Planning, and

·    Another petition being circulated to enable Kim Wells to present it to Parliament and enabling him to address the issues confronting Knoxfield residents from developers.

Both agreed that the Opposition, if they gain Government at the next election, would disband Melbourne’s 2030 Planning Policy and encourage development in areas of the city most suitable for medium/high development. They also warned that from January 2009 when new Planning Laws will be implanted that ONLY immediate neighboring residents to developments will be able to object to that development. This is taking away our rights as citizens in a democratic society to express ourselves when a grievance arises. If you are concerned by this action email, write or ring the Premier and Minister for Planning and inform them of your objection to this removal of democratic rights.


Email of Support for the Save Knoxfield Campaign

Well talk about taking my words out of my mouth - tonight I attended the Friends of Koolunga 15th Anniversary Celebration.  Amongst the many volunteers and Council staff attending (it was agood night) was a Planning Officer who sought me out as she knew of my association with Save Knoxfield.  She wanted to let me know how very important the lobbying and pressure being applied by Knoxfield residents re the developments and developers.  Apparently there was some reluctance on behalf of the developer of No. 75 to carry out the net gain required by Knox Council re that property but Plannning Officers were able to add pressure on him by saying the "local people" were very passionate about the environment and were very active and no doubt would be watching.  The officer wanted me to let the group know how much the officers appreciate their efforts as she is very aware that at times it can seem very difficult and thankless for community groups who can feel they are getting nowhere but she wanted us to be aware how effective this type of pro active behaviour can be.



Cheers and well done



No 44 Kathryn Road VCAT Notice


Tonight a BBQ was held for objectors to No 44 Kathryn Road development to inform them of how to respond to the VCAT notice received last week. To our surprise we discovered that some objectors have NOT received  information from the developer re his VCAT Application, as is his duty, under VCAT rules. If you were an objector to No 44 Kathryn Road (2 double storey townhouses and 8 single storey) and did not receive information from the developer please inform either David and Valerie Chaney or Ian and Maree Simpson immediately. All applications to lodge an abjection to VCAT must be in by the end of next week.


Computer Expertise


If anyone has computer expertise, has time to spare and is willing to help spruce up this Blogpage with the added ability to forward email petitions and make it more interesting please contact





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