Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Planning the main headache for Melbourne and Yarra residents - put a comment

It is not only Knoxfield residents that are concerned with planning. Read the article below for an explanation.


A walk down Kathryn Road makes one wonder whether we live in the inner or outer suburbs. Look at the gardens in these latest developments, an absolute disgrace to residents that have pride in their suburb. Whatever happened to those magnificent gardens that were presented and articulated in VCAT? Whatever happened to the advanced canopy trees that were to be planted? Most have simply died as they were planted in water logged clay.


This is just as we expected, without constant supervision from Knox City Council the developers get away with the cheapest option.


Here’s the article from the Melbourne Leader.


Melbourne Leader Article


Planning the main headache for Melbourne and Yarra residents


THE threat of skyscrapers destroying the character of their neighbourhoods causes Melbourne Leader readers to lose sleep at night.

A Leader survey has found residents in the Melbourne and Yarra municipalities are the most prone to worrying about planning and development matters.

Respondents were asked to rate their concerns across a number of issues, ranging between zero (not at all concernced) and 10 (extremely concerned).

Local readers' mean score on planning matters was 7, compared with 6.3 across the metropolitan area.

Former lord mayor Kevin Chamberlin, now chairman of the North and West Melbourne Association, said he wasn't surprised by the results.

"I think it's a very informed response. It's clear that planning was out of control under (former Planning Minister) Justin Madden and the Labor Party, and it has resulted in a lot of inappropriate developments being approved," Mr Chamberlin said.

Melbourne and Yarra residents were also more concerned than average about crowding on public transport (mean score of 7.8), climate change (7.6) and urban density (6.2).

But Melbourne and Yarra readers were less concerned about urban sprawl (5.8), access to the city (4.4), access to schools (3.5), water shortage (6.9) and petrol prices (5.5).

The results were from Leader's 2010 Cash for Comment. Readers told us what matters to them, what makes them happy and what bothers them.

Some lucky readers shared in the $10,000 cash prizes offered by Leader.

>>What needs to be done to alleviate residents' concerns about planning and development? Have your say below

