Wednesday, June 27, 2012

13/15 Kathryn Road, Planning Aplication P/2012/6050




The planned development at 13/15 Kathryn Road, consisting of 8 double storey houses and 1 single story house is of concern,as:


1. It clearly is an overdevelopment for 2,650 sq metres.

2. Only has two visitor parking spaces, therefore extra visitors will park on Kathryn Road, against a single white line which is illegal.

3. Has only a 7.1 metre setback.

4. Is out of character with single storey developments on either side of 13/15 Kathryn Road.

5. No on-site provision for rubbish bin collection.

6. Has no where for trucks to park during development, creating traffic congestion on a dangerous hill on Kathryn Road.



The closing date for objections is 1st July 2012, next Sunday, which means Monday 2nd July will suffice.

Ten objections are required to get a planning meeting with the developers.