Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Successful Council Meetings on Tuesday 26th August

Tuesday 26th August 27, 2008 was a successful day for our campaign against overdevelopment in Knoxfield. A meeting was organized by Cr Debbie Field with the Mayor, Jim Penna and senior representatives of the Planning Department at Knox City Council. Then the monthly council meeting provided success again for our lobbying of councillors.

Firstly representatives of the residents met with the Mayor, Jim Penna, the Director of City Development, Angelo Kourambas and Paul Dickie, Manager of Planning. The residents were represented by David Chaney, Irene Kelly, Irene Fullerton and myself. We were provided with opportunity to address our concerns, which were:

·    Overdevelopment of planning applications

·    Concern with double storey townhouses which are out of character with the area.

·    The intensity of development in Kathryn Road

·    The detrimental effect on the old 1960’s infrastructure on sewerage, drainage, power and gas supplies and traffic on Kathryn Road

·    Concern with the removal of remnant forest canopy trees and the effect on wildlife

·    The poor quality of plans released by the Planning Department for advertising, especially with a total disregard for Rescodes and Vegetation Overlays

Paul Dickie responded to our claims stating the restrictions in which the planners had to operate especially in regard to the Melbourne 2030 Policy. Paul Dickie intimated that the current planning applications will in all probability go to VCAT for a decision, which infers that council will not pass them. If this occurs we must attend VCAT in numbers to present our case.

Secondly, at the monthly council meeting last night Cr Mick van de Vreede moved a “Call-Up Item” to reduce the 400 metre perimeter, which enables medium/high density housing around Neighborhood Activity Centres, to 200 metres. This was achieved after much lobbying by both David Chaney and myself. We are mindful that to bring about change to the Melbourne 2030 Policy will be very difficult and we’ll need much help from the community of Knoxfield.

The doors of communication are now open with the responsible planning officers in council and we’ve been invited to contact them whenever necessary. We certainly intend doing that.



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