Friday, February 5, 2010

Macca's Campaign

My apologies to everyone as I typed the wrong application number on the objection form, which went to council. Fortunately all that were delivered to my house were corrected before being submitted but some got through the system. Everyone apparently got a the same letter stating the wrong application number was entered.

I’ll check on the final number next week, but earlier this week there were about 100 objections lodged.



Lesley Goh said...

what is the latest development?
I know the closing date for objection is the 29th, but will they take objections submitted after that date?

Anonymous said...

I live on Scoresby Road near Hugh street and am keen to object to having a mcdonalds in knoxfield. The council couldn't even put traffic lights at that corner, but a few metres away and now they want to let McMonstrosity be built there. The ones at Bayswater and Ferntree are disgusting.

I sometimes use Kathryn road from Ferntree Gully at peak hour and it is very busy then trying to turn.

Is it too late to lodge an objection? What else can we do?

Ian said...

Objections can be lodged up until council considers the application in April

Anonymous said...

I am a resident of Clyde St.
Mc Donalds has not addressed the issues at its Ferntree Gully store as yet, but are quite determined to open another store 3km away.
Screaming of tyres & horns beeping is normal for Clyde St
Mc Donalds FTG does not have any active CCTV monitoring there carpark therefore anything goes after dark.
Maybe they dont want to know what goes on in there carpark.Drug dealing & consuming alcohol together with foul language is quite common.
There is a major problem with hoon behaviour which occurs nightly.
I have witnessed Mc Donalds staff members doing burnouts in the carpark at 3am.Clearly sending the wrong message to other hoon drivers.
The residents of Knoxfield need to be concerned about the impact it will have on the local community.
With such limited parking available where do Mc Donalds plan for there staff to park?
Mc Donalds will take no responsibility for any damage which may oocur to your property.But they have no problems selling these drunk & drug affected people a sugar filled burger.

Unhappy Clyde St Resident