Sunday, July 6, 2008

Developers Attack Knoxfield

Kathryn Road in particular has been targeted by developers, having no regard for the character and leafy image of Knoxfield. Numerous high density developments have been planned. Four Planning applications have been lodged with Knox City Council Planning Department for high density housing at numbers 32, 40, 44 and 61 Kathryn Road. If they are passed in their present form it will mean that four houses will be replaced by 32 dwellings. Future developments at numbers 36, 48 and 56 could mean seventy houses replace only seven original houses.
How can Kathryn Road cope with this influx of extra residents, traffic, noise and stress on the infrastructure.

Knox City Council at it's May meeting passed a motion to report on the uniqueness of Knoxfield's trees, with a view to having a local law passed to protect the canopy trees which are quickly disappearing. Meanwhile greedy developers knowingly are attempting to plan developments which will eradicate healthy 100 year old eucalyptus cephalocarpa (mealy stringybark) trees on 72 Anne Road/ 61 Kathryn Road. These trees are protected by a Vegetation 3 Overlay applied by council to protect these trees.The developers are blatantly disregarding this overlay ruling, Knox City Council's Planning rules and policy to protect canopy trees and to maintain the leafy image of knoxfield. Paying approximately $750,000 for this block is no reason why these trees should be destroyed. Just imagine the wildlife we have come to appreciate will be affected. It won't be long before we no longer see crimson rosellas, rainbow lorikeets, red wattle birds and the many other birds visiting our backyards if this destruction of the canopy trees continues.

Voice your opinion about this destruction to Knox City Council through your councillors, Cr Debbie Field, Cr David Cooper and Cr Mick van der Vreede.

If you have an issue and would like assistance to object to a planning application send an email to

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